About the Artist

BIO: Margaret Anne Fehr is a re-emerging artist, originally from Manitoba, who moved to Milton in 2012. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Manitoba’s Fine Arts faculty in the 1970s. Art was not seen as a viable option for her at the time, and she navigated a career move into corporate advertising as a copywriter. Over the course of 30 years (and counting), she has been a freelance writer for magazines, newspapers, journals, and websites. Margaret has also been involved in arts administration in the Winnipeg arts and cultural scene. She is a long-standing FASM member and has also served on the FASM Board as Membership Director.

ARTIST STATEMENT: I’m drawn to portraiture and using materials from the commonplace ballpoint pen to the capriciousness of watercolour and acrylics, or the graphic intricacy of printmaking to depict the character of those I have the privilege of capturing on paper and canvas. I pay respect to and draw inspiration from the great portrait artists of the ages - Rembrandt, Leonardo DaVinci, Vermeer, Raphael - who through their collective genius have depicted iconic visages that reveal the tenor of the times as well as the depth of their subjects’ souls. In the age of the ubiquitous selfie, I want to reveal, at a slower pace, the soulfulness that exists within each of us. I want to know that a portrait is an act of love on behalf of those who commission it, and that they will cherish the finished work as a treasured link in a chain of love and heritage into the future.

Margaret Anne welcomes commission inquiries at mdfehr@mymts.net

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